OECD Launches Interactive Public Sector Auditing Forum

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) hosted the inaugural Auditors Alliance meeting on March 26, 2018, in Paris, France, officially launching an interactive public sector auditor community that unites internal and external audit institutions.
The Auditors Alliance, which already includes more than 300 auditors from 57 countries, is designed to facilitate institutional partnerships and strengthen good governance by providing a forum for sharing best practices and expertise.
“The Auditors Alliance provides a great opportunity for internal auditors and external auditors to come together, exchange information, exchange ideas, and strengthen oversight and integrity around the world,” remarked Mr. Richard F. Chambers, President, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
The launch event championed presentations and debate on numerous topics—audit innovation; auditing for integrity; guarding public trust; and shared challenges and solutions—and included noteworthy guest speakers and moderators from across the globe: Mr. Ardan Adiperdana, Chairman, Internal Audit Institution, Indonesia; Mr. Jorge Bermudez, Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile; Mr. Richard F. Chambers, President, IIA; Mr. John Hutton, Deputy Director, Center for Audit Excellence, United States Government Accountability Office; Ms. Helena Abreu Lopes, Chair of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions’ Task Force on Audit and Ethics; Mr. Marko Männikkö, Deputy Auditor General, National Audit Office of Finland; Mr. Alain Memvuh, Manager, INTOSAI Development Initiative; Ms. Regina Maambo Muzamai, Director of Internal Audit, African Union Commission; Ms. Joanne Rowley, Professional Practice Director, United Kingdom Government Internal Audit Agency; Ciarán Spillane, Principal Advisor, Internal Audit Service, European Commission; Kevin Summersgill, Head of International Relations, UK National Audit Office; Nicholas Swales, Audit Principal, Office of the Auditor General of Canada; Mr. Tomaž Vesel, President, Court of Audit, Republic of Slovenia; and René Wenk, Head of Department, Anti-Corruption, Compliance, Risk Management, Austrian Court of Audit.
“You own this network,” emphasized Mr. Marcos Bonturi, OECD Director for Public Governance.
“Auditors play a key role in establishing accountability, especially against the background of decreasing trust in government,” he added.
The OECD intends to host more interactive, theme-based events in the future and aims to assist with matching auditors on the basis of strengths and needs and facilitating capacity building activities.