The State Audit Office of Viet Nam (SAV) Successfully Organized the Commemoration Ceremony of its 30th Anniversary

From July 9-11, 2024, the State Audit Office of Viet Nam (SAV) hosted a series of events to celebrate its 30th anniversary (July 11, 1994 – July 11, 2024). A highlight of the celebration was the international conference “Role of Supreme Audit Institution in Anti-Corruption for Transparency, Public Integrity, and Good Governance.” This conference, chaired by SAV, attracted leaders from 11 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) including South Africa, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Singapore, France, Brazil, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, as well as representatives from international organizations such as United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation (CAAF), the World Bank (WB), and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

The conference aimed to assess the role of SAIs in combating corruption, especially considering its global prevalence as a societal issue impacting economic growth and sustainable development. Corruption has been identified as a barrier to effective public administration, undermining the efficient use of public finances and assets.
The event featured four keynote speeches from the SAIs of South Africa, Indonesia, UNODC and Viet Nam, alongside panel discussions with speakers from the SAIs of South Africa, France, Brazil, Indonesia, and UNODC. Topics included the roles and mandate of SAIs in anti-corruption efforts, their coordination with other agencies, legal frameworks, human resources, and necessary technical capabilities for conducting anti-corruption audits. Participants also shared experiences in detecting fraud and corruption, exchanging information with investigative authorities, and proposing investigative audit techniques and methodologies to uncover fraud and corruption.
Through these discussions, SAIs aimed to enhance their knowledge and operational experience in contributing to anti-corruption efforts and to plan their future activities.
This diplomatic event marks a significant milestone for SAV, highlighting its 30-year journey of growth and development, and reinforcing its global influence and engagement.