SAI Azerbaijan Hosts ECOSAI Governing Board and Training Committee Meetings

The Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan hosted the 25th Governing Board and 20th Training Committee meetings of the Economic Cooperation Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ECOSAI) on December 6, 2021, in Baku.
The Chamber has been a member of ECOSAI—a regional forum of the SAIs of South and Central Asia—since September 2002 and has repeatedly served as a member of the Governing Board and the Audit Committee.
At the Training Committee meeting, SAI Pakistan, representing the ECOSAI Secretariat, presented the Training Committee report. Participants also discussed issues related to publication of the ECOSAI newsletter, memoranda of understanding (MOUs) signed between member SAIs, and training activities.
At the Governing Board meeting, participants discussed the annual performance of ECOSAI, the report of the 20th ECOSAI Training Committee, and ways to further strengthen the activities of the organization.