SAB Kuwait Restructures, Adds Sectors, Departments

The State Audit Bureau (SAB) of Kuwait amended its organizational structure to include six audit sectors and four new departments: Internal Audit, Reports Follow-up, Quality Assurance and Strategic Planning.
The SAB acting president led an official delegation to Albania’s State Supreme Audit Office in March, resulting in renewing the two Supreme Audit Institutions’ (SAI) cooperation agreement and preparing a four-year work plan.
Capitalizing on the cooperation agreement with the SAI of Estonia, SAB delegates visited the Estonian SAI headquarters to discuss numerous topics, including solid waste recycling, as well as the construction projects environmental audit and tenders pre-audit.
The SAB contributed to several events and discussions in the first and second quarters of 2017, including the:
- Financial Audit and Accounting Subcommittee (FAAS) meeting held in the United Arab Emirates.
- 26th International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Working Group on Information Technology Audit (WGITA).
- Panel on Audit Management System (AMS) for Ensuring Capabilities: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions, hosted in Korea.
- EUROSAI Conference (as the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI) representative) in Istanbul, Turkey.
- 24th United Nations (UN)/INTOSAI Symposium on “Digitalization, Open Data and Data Mining” in Vienna, Austria.
The SAB signed new cooperation agreements with the Superior Audit of the Federation, Republic of Mexico; National Audit Office of Estonia; and the Board of Audit and Inspection, Republic of Korea; and joined the INTOSAI Working Groups on Values and Benefits of Supreme Audit Institutions (WGVB), as well as Public Procurement Audit (WGPPA).