Tag: technology

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Transformational Change in Environmental Auditing: Journey of SAI Maldives

From an aerial view, the Maldives appears as a dazzling pearl necklace, with its scattered islands forming intricate atolls in the Indian Ocean. Yet, the true heart of our nation lies beneath the surface—our extensive and vital reef system. Spanning 4,513 square kilometers, these reefs are the seventh largest globally, sustaining a diverse ecosystem of over 1,200 marine species. For our small island nation, these pristine waters, vibrant marine life, and sandy beaches are not just natural treasures but the backbone of our economy. Furthermore, our reefs act as crucial barriers, protecting our low-lying islands—80% of which are less than one meter above sea level—from the ocean’s relentless forces. 

Digital By Default: A Concept of Creating Digital Culture in the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented challenges, one of which is the imposition of physical activity restrictions to curb the spread of the virus (Abouk & Heydari, 2021). These restrictions have significantly altered the way the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK), carries out its auditing processes. In response to these restrictions, organizations and institutions have been forced to adapt and find innovative ways to continue their operations efficiently.

Unveiling Challenges: Auditing Small Islands in the Indonesian Archipelago

As the largest archipelagic nation in the world, with a length of approximately one-eighth of the Earth’s circumference, Indonesia’s smaller islands boast rich cultural diversity, economic intricacies, and unique environmental contexts. This article delves into the complexities auditors face when undertaking audit tasks on these diminutive, yet economically significant islands. From grappling with limited infrastructure and navigating the geographical remoteness to understanding the economic intricacies of industries that shape these islands, auditors are confronted with a tapestry of challenges that demand a tailored and astute auditing approach.

Auditor-General’s Office of Papua New Guinea Enhances Audit Management

Papua New Guinea is by far the largest of the developing island nations in the PASAI network. Its infrastructure is deficient, with inconsistent internet and power supply nationwide. Efforts are underway to construct a highway network that will connect the mountainous country, but once completed, maintenance may prove problematic due to landslides, tropical weather and seismic activity. 

CAROSAI Identifies Small Island Challenges in the Region, Highlighting the Need for Resources and SAI Independence

Public sector auditing on small islands presents unique challenges, ranging from limited resources and capacity constraints, to susceptibility to national and environmental disasters, highlighting the complexity of ensuring accountability and transparency in these geographically constrained and vulnerable regions.

Ms. Archana Shirsat
New Initiatives Bring Equality, Technology, and Climate Action to SAI Audit World

By: Shourjo Chatterjee, Manager Strategic Support, and Archana Shirsat, Deputy Director General, Professional and Relevant…

OLACEFS Capacity Building Committee Launches the 2022-2024 OLACEFS Training Plan

The Capacity Building Committee (CCC) of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) launched the 2022-2024 OLACEFS Training Plan, which contemplates the offer of capacity building initiatives for the three-year period. 

OAG Nepal Launches Audit Management System

The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) of Nepal has launched its much-anticipated Nepal Audit Management System (NAMS), as part of an effort to strengthen the OAG. NAMS is a software that streamlines the audit process in order to accurately identify and reduce risks, thereby saving time, space, and money. This new system marks…

OLACEFS CTIC Helps SAIs Strengthen Impact through Technology

In 2021, the Commission for Information and Communication Technologies (CTIC) of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) undertook numerous efforts to help the region’s SAIs enhance the impact of their work through communication technologies. CTIC is…

SAI UAE Implements Ambitious Digital Transformation Program

Anticipating that technology would transform the way governments conduct their business, the leadership of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has aggressively promoted “e-government”—the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to more effectively and efficiently deliver government services—for the past 20 years. This steadfast commitment to leveraging technology to improve governance has resulted in the transition from a paper-based to a digitally powered government. To stay relevant in the context of e-government, and to use technological advancements to improve the efficiency of its work, the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of the UAE…

SAO Hungary Reports on Audit of Vaccination System, Uses Technology to Improve Efficiency

In July 2021, the State Audit Office (SAO) of Hungary published a report on a compliance and performance audit it conducted on emerging epidemics and vaccination coverage. The challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have made the findings of the audit…

Virtual Audit Workshops Facilitate Learning, Collaboration during the Pandemic

Among the many drastic changes wrought by the COVID-19 crisis has been the sudden shift to a virtual work environment. At the start of the pandemic, some audit offices had already made significant strides toward enabling remote work, while others conducted work primarily in-person, whether to build a collaborative work culture, ensure safe handling of sensitive documents, or due to limited information technology infrastructure or other reasons. The pandemic has presented..

SAI Philippines Wins First Place in Hackathon BPK Competition

The Commission on Audit (COA), the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of the Philippines, won first place at the professional level in the Hackathon BPK Competition—whose theme was…

OLACEFS Commission Enhances the Work of SAIs through Technology and Innovation

During the pandemic, the Commission on Information Technologies and Communications (CTIC) of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) has helped the region’s Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) carry out their work in various ways. To help the region’s SAIs continue to hold events and perform tasks remotely…

Promising Technologies for Future-proofing Public Sector Audit Work

Technological advances have impacted the work of most SAIs, and emerging technologies have the potential to further shape the ways in which SAIs contribute to good governance. SAIs are at different stages in their technological journeys, and their use of technology may be affected by…

Developing an Audit Framework for Algorithms

Algorithms can make government operations opaque, or a “black box.” With limited guidelines available, how can SAIs assess whether governments are using algorithms in a responsible and lawful manner? With its January 2021 report “Understanding Algorithms,” the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA)…

SAO Thailand Continues Capacity Building Efforts During Pandemic

Thailand was affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic early on and has continuously imposed strict measures to prevent and control the spread of the virus at all levels. The State Audit Office (SAO) of the Kingdom of Thailand, an independent organization monitoring government spending of public funds and resources during the crisis, is also facing unprecedented challenges to which the SAO remains committed to…

Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Shares First Year Progress in Implementing Moscow Declaration

One year has passed since the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) community gathered to exchange best practices and discuss the most acute issues in auditing and public administration at the XXIII INTOSAI Congress (INCOSAI), where the Moscow Declaration was endorsed. The declaration, a guide for INTOSAI’s future, highlights the spirit of INCOSAI discussions and provides a rededication to…

SAI Peru Hosts CAII 2019: Employing Technology to Combat Corruption

Information Technology (IT) is advancing at a breakneck pace, and Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) must incorporate IT into new anticorruption strategies as to not be outdated by the systematic infiltration of corruption…

Technology: Opportunities to Build Capacity, Enhance Oversight

Technology has changed how we do business, how we conduct public administration and human relations, and how we analyze information. Technological advances have also impacted the auditor´s role with huge implications in government oversight. Using new tools, such as…

2018 OLACEFS General Assembly Embraces Technology, Partnerships

The 2018 Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) General Assembly was hosted by the Argentinian Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) October 9-12, 2018. The week-long event, held in Buenos Aires, included SAIs, international cooperation agencies, and key stakeholders spanning the globe…

OLACEFS’ CTIC Introduces New Technology Enhancing Event Efficiency, Functionality

The OLACEFS CTIC, chaired by Dr. Francisco Javier Fernández, Auditor General of Argentina’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), developed a mobile application (app) and web portal that were successfully implemented during the OLACEFS General Assembly…