Tag: collaboration

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Transformational Change in Environmental Auditing: Journey of SAI Maldives

From an aerial view, the Maldives appears as a dazzling pearl necklace, with its scattered islands forming intricate atolls in the Indian Ocean. Yet, the true heart of our nation lies beneath the surface—our extensive and vital reef system. Spanning 4,513 square kilometers, these reefs are the seventh largest globally, sustaining a diverse ecosystem of over 1,200 marine species. For our small island nation, these pristine waters, vibrant marine life, and sandy beaches are not just natural treasures but the backbone of our economy. Furthermore, our reefs act as crucial barriers, protecting our low-lying islands—80% of which are less than one meter above sea level—from the ocean’s relentless forces. 

Improving Efficiency in Implementing Audit Recommendations: Challenges and Solutions

The successful implementation of audit recommendations serves as a key indicator of the effectiveness and efficiency of audit activities. Therefore, monitoring and inspecting the implementation of audit recommendations play a critical role in evaluating the quality, effectiveness of audit activities and impact on the management and use of public finances and assets. This process not only demonstrates the level of agreement from audited entities but also identifies reasons for any unimplemented audit recommendations.

Brokering Support for SAIs: Get to Know the INTOSAI Donor Cooperation’s Brokerage Initiatives

Learn about the INTOSAI Donor Cooperation’s Brokering Upscaled SAI Support (BUSS) and Global SAI Accountability Initiative (GSAI) Initiatives.

Brokerage to Strengthen the INTOSAI Community: An Interview with Marcela Hommefoss

Amongst the many things the INTOSAI Donor Cooperation (IDC) does to strengthen support to the SAI community, the IDC’s brokerage activities have helped connect SAIs with resources, guidance, and partnerships from donors, peer partners, and other organizations. The INTOSAI Development Initiative’s (IDI) Global Foundations Unit leads this work with the goal of enhancing the capacity of SAIs to lead their own development initiatives. 

Developing a Global Voice for INTOSAI through Communication and Collaboration

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) independently and objectively audit their governments to ensure that the use…

Achieving Gender Equality Requires Continuous Collaboration and a Holistic Approach

Despite progress in many countries, daunting challenges persist in the effort to achieve real equality between women and men. According to the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) Strategic Plan for 2022-2025, there have been significant worldwide improvements in gender equality in the areas of…

Global Stocktaking Shows Slow Progress in Difficult Waters

In September 2021, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) released the Global Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Stocktaking Report 2020, the fourth triennial analysis of data from an INTOSAI Global Survey on SAI performance and capacities. The report, which covers the period of 2017 to 2019, marks the 10-year anniversary of the Global Stocktaking, which has been an important source of…

Building Resilience in Times of Adversity

I was Vice President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) when COVID-19 broke out worldwide, posing extraordinary challenges to people and organizations. However, this was not the first time I had faced adversity. Having lived through difficult historical periods in Brazilian history, such as the years of military dictatorship, I have been…

Virtual Audit Workshops Facilitate Learning, Collaboration during the Pandemic

Among the many drastic changes wrought by the COVID-19 crisis has been the sudden shift to a virtual work environment. At the start of the pandemic, some audit offices had already made significant strides toward enabling remote work, while others conducted work primarily in-person, whether to build a collaborative work culture, ensure safe handling of sensitive documents, or due to limited information technology infrastructure or other reasons. The pandemic has presented..

EUROSAI COVID-19 Project Group Builds Resilience through Collaboration

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the United Kingdom’s National Audit Office (UK NAO) was able to effectively carry on its work by quickly pivoting to remote auditing and using technology to build relationships within the agency and around the world. Indeed, many auditors continued to conduct audits and publish audit reports without ever meeting their teams or clients in person. Aspects of UK NAO’s operations were not the only things to change. The Supreme Audit Institution’s (SAI) portfolio of work also…

CBC Steering Committee Meeting Highlights Progress Made Despite Challenges

On September 29, 2021, INTOSAI’s Capacity Building Committee (CBC) held its annual Steering Committee meeting, led by South African Auditor General Tsakani Maluleke, CBC Chair, and Swedish Auditor General Helena Lindberg, CBC Vice Chair. The virtual event featured updates from the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) leading CBC’s subcommittees, task forces, and workstreams, whose work demonstrates…

KSC Steering Committee Meeting Emphasizes Value of Collaboration

The 13th Steering Committee meeting of the Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services Committee (KSC) was held virtually on September 16, 2021. Representatives from the INTOSAI Chair, Goal Committees, General Secretariat, and INTOSAI Development Initiative IDI) participated, along with representatives of KSC’s 12 working groups. In his opening remarks, Mr. Girish Chandra Murmu, Comptroller and Auditor General of India and KSC Chair, underscored…

PSC Initiatives Enhance Communication, Technical Support, and Collaboration

The INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) has a number of initiatives underway to enhance communication, technical support, and collaboration among Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). The following are updates…

GAO Hosts Discussion Group on COVID-19 Lessons Learned

On May 25, 2021, Mr. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States, led a virtual discussion group on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 30 organizations—including INTOSAI organizations and 21 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), donor and civil society organizations, and United Nations organizations and observers—contributed to the dialogue. The group stems from…

SAI Egypt Participates in Financial Audit of the African Union and Affiliated Institutions

The Accountability State Authority of Egypt (ASA) participated from March 22 to April 23, 2021, in the financial audit of the African Union and affiliated institutions for fiscal year 2020. Egypt has been a permanent member of…

Improving the Effectiveness of Internal Audit Departments Within Public Sector Entities

Over the last five years, agencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s public sector have undergone fundamental transformations—including restructuring, implementing governance mechanisms, and activating control requirements—aimed at improving their performance. The General Court of Audit (GCA), the country’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), has sought to contribute to these efforts by…

SAI Latvia Collaborates with Internal Auditors on Oversight

To ensure public sector institutions are functioning properly and at a reasonable cost, the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Latvia is enhancing its collaboration with the internal auditors of these entities. The SAI is currently working directly with internal auditors from…

Kosovo NAO Celebrates INTOSAI and EUROSAI Membership, Pledges Active Participation

The National Audit Office of Kosovo (KNAO) dates back to 2003. Though a relatively new organization in terms of age, the KNAO is considered one of the most credible national institutions by both local and international partners and remains committed to…

Sharaka Program Successfully Implements Virtual Exchange

When the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) was working on a five-year “Sharaka” cooperative program with seven partner Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan and Tunisia. Sharaka means partnership in Arabic, and the program aspires to…

Harnessing the Power of Communication, Collaboration and Innovation

The Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA), which has a tradition dating back more than a thousand years, celebrated its 158th Anniversary this year with a heavy heart as the entire world lives under the shadow of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The pandemic created a “new normal” forcing Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and governments alike to…

Baltic State Supreme Audit Institutions Gain New Experiences Through Joint Audit

As cross-border cooperation projects evolve, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) often extend beyond national boundaries in performing audit work and forge cooperative partnerships to meet specific audit needs. At the same time, joint opportunities provide platforms to enhance hands-on experience, cultivate collaboration, and enrich professional competencies in real-time and space. For the Baltic State SAIs…

Egypt’s Accountability State Authority Hosts Meetings, Participates in International Forums, Continues Long Tradition of Collaborative Efforts

Egypt’s Accountability State Authority hosted several meetings, participated in international forums and continued the organization’s long-standing tradition of collaborative efforts as 2019 came to a close. The ASA…