By: CBC Secretariat

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Seeking Comments to the SAI Performance Measurement Framework (SAI PMF) Revision by 21 May 2024
April 30, 2024
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CBC Annual Meeting Focuses on Partnering for Quality Capacity Development 

Under a common headline of Partnering for stronger SAIs, and enhanced PFM, the INTOSAI Capacity…

INTOSAI Regional Coordination Platform (IRCP) Back Together After Pandemic

In the first week of June in 2022, this INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform (IRCP) gathered in a hybrid format to discuss INTOSAI’s response to capacity development challenges and opportunities faced by SAIs.

New Infographic from INTOSAI’s ACCC Showcases SAI Resilience and Creativity

SAIs in difficult circumstances have often demonstrated considerable creativity and resilience during the pandemic. INTOSAI’s Capacity Building Committee workstream on Auditing in Complex and Challenging Contexts (ACCC) has sought to capture some of this richness in its new infographic on Getting Connected. The document is not a classic how-to manual, but rather a…

CBC Steering Committee Meeting Highlights Progress Made Despite Challenges

On September 29, 2021, INTOSAI’s Capacity Building Committee (CBC) held its annual Steering Committee meeting, led by South African Auditor General Tsakani Maluleke, CBC Chair, and Swedish Auditor General Helena Lindberg, CBC Vice Chair. The virtual event featured updates from the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) leading CBC’s subcommittees, task forces, and workstreams, whose work demonstrates…

INTOSAI CBC Paper Focuses on Competencies to Remain Relevant, Value-Adding

“Our world is changing—regional interconnectedness, digital transformation, renewed commitment to citizenry and pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The future is here.” The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Capacity Building Committee published an enriching occasional paper, “The Future Relevant Value-Adding Auditor,” that highlights…

INTOSAI CBC ACCC Publications Highlight Parliamentary Support for ISSAI Implementation

Implementing the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) is a major undertaking—a lengthy process requiring clear managerial direction as well as considerable training and development. For Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) operating in complex and challenging contexts…